Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Mand Labs Review

You guys know we love all things Science!  I want to share with you an amazing product from Timberdoodle, Mand Labs.  This premium kit works for complete beginners and has everything your teen needs to go at their own pace.

Our kit uses 165 industrial-grade electronic components and tools, two guidebooks, online videos, and step-by-step instructions for the 57 electronic projects!  The carrying case is unique in that it opens vertically into a workstation.  The various drawers and compartments are great for holding all the components and tools.  Our kit contains switches, circuits, wires, sensors, motors, breadboards, probes, pliers and more!

B and C completed high school Physics this year and our Mand Labs Premium Kit's course topics cover 20% of IGCSE Cambridge Curriculum and 30% of AP Physics C, including electricity and magnetism so it's super fun to have on hand!  I think it was a great pairing to have and it's an awesome blessing to have such a hands-on kit available in our home school.

Mand Labs is a great kit to learn about electronics and help it feel less overwhelming.  Teens can watch videos for concepts, assembly and reference as needed.  Just by assembling projects, so many concepts and electronic principles are solidified and truly understood.  For a more in-depth understanding of electronics, teens can refer to the guidebooks.  I love that this kit is all inclusive.

Do you need a hands-on kit to help your student learn about electricity?  If so, we would highly recommend Mand Labs!

Disclosure:  Huge shout out to Timberdoodle for selecting me as a Timberdoodle Blogger.  I received Mand Labs in exchange for my honest review.  All opinions are my own.

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