Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Timberdoodle's Social Skills Activities for Ages 6-7 Book Review

I want to share with you a book on social skills I'm finishing up with G, Social Skills Activities for Ages 6-7.  This book is geared for kids 6-7 years old or 1st - 2nd grade.  Since this is an activities book, it is consumable so if you are wanting to use it with multiple children I would recommend getting one for each of them.

G with our book.

This workbook contains 75 activities or exercised for children to practice various social scenarios, helping them understand right and wrong!  I like that the activities are hands-on and that there is a lot to discus together.  Activity topics include making new friends and being a good friend, playing at your house or going to a friend's house, and etiquette for the classroom, lunchtime and playground just to name a few.
 Above you can see an example activity.

I love that the activity sheets are perforated so it's easy to remove the ones that G needs to cut and paste.

G's completed sheet.

G completing another activity.
As a homeschooler not all the activities were a perfect fit; however, we do attend a weekly CoOp so it was easy to apply them to that day or just discuss proper behavior in multiple situations.  G is a little on the older side for this book but I have really enjoyed having him work through it.  He is a fantastic reader so he has no problem reading the instructions and completing the activities fairly independently.  I like that it includes practical things like using scissors and pasting and I particularly enjoy the conversations we have with the various activities.

Disclosure:  Huge shout out to Timberdoodle for selecting me as a Timberdoodle Blogger.  I received Social Skills Activities for Ages 6-7 in exchange for my honest review.  All opinions are my own.

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