Sunday, February 23, 2020

TPSMEA Middle School Honor Band

I'm so proud of B!  She made the 2020 TPSMA Middle School Honor Band.  David took her to Houston over the weekend and she had a great time.  There were 11 trumpets and she was the only girl.  They practiced and held their concert at Strake Jesuit College Preparatory which is super fun because my father graduated from high school there.  Enjoy the photos (a huge thank you to Bob for taking them).

 The Band Warming Up

 B with her homeschool band director!

 B with family (thanks so much to everyone who came)!

I love this shot of David and B.


Suzanna @ said...

Congratulations to your daughter! I'm sure it takes a lot of dedication. My son plays the violin, but he doesn't participate in any group events. I'm sure that would be motivating for him.

Kristen of A Mom's Quest to Teach said...

Super exciting! What a fantastic accomplishment - great photos!

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