This is G's last year of "official" preschool. He has been using the Little Wonders Preschool from Wisdom Wonder Project this month and loving it! The Little Wonders online subscription bundle has curriculum for three levels - Preschool, Junior K, and Kindergarten. The program is designed around childrens' developmental stages and books. We have access to all 3 of these levels for a year, which is awesome, so we can pick and choose the best path for G! I absolutely love this feature. Our bundle includes Literature, Block Play and Little Masters (Art).
Regarding Literature, this curriculum includes material for 4 picture books each month so you will use one book each week. These books are not included within the curricula so you will need to own them or have access to a library.
We were able to find 3 of the 4 books used for September's Literature at our local library! We couldn't locate Planting a Rainbow so we were flexible that week and used other books that we already owned.
Reading Peter's Chair
Rosie's Walk was one of G's favorites. He loved answering the questions about the book and enjoyed pretending to be Rosie and what she might be thinking.
G making dough spirals inspired by Swirl by Swirl.
The Little Masters (Art) focuses on one book and one famous artist each month. Student will be exposed to various elements of art and they will have a space to create and practice it. September's book is The Line by Paula Bossio (another shout out to our local library for having this) and the artist for the month is Andy Warhol.
The Line by Paula Bossio
G had a lesson on the color wheel.
G mixing color while painting - he loved making green!
Above, G is making dots on his paper with Q-tips.
Now, his dots are going for walks.
Similar to The Little Masters, The Block Play aspect of this curriculum has one book per month as well and focus on experiential learning. We weren't able to find September's book of the month at our local library but I was able to locate a cute online adaptation video of it so G was able to watch it.
The Block Play book for the month of September is Changes, Changes by Pat Hutchins.
The Block Play section has so many fun activities to discuss and do together this month. It has a vocabulary section to discuss with your student - words like under, over, below, etc. to help improve their directional skills. It also has mapping activities where students can build a city and then make a map of their city. They will use their blocks to stamp shapes into dough.
G absolutely loved this activity.
They will build a house from blocks as well as other creations inspired by them. They will also see just how high they can build a tower until it tumbles.
G building a tower until it falls!
While I haven't shown you everything, I hope that you have a good feel for this program. G is really loving it! It's engaging, enriching and just plain fun. I appreciate that he is enjoying learning. I'm also impressed that these books were all new to us. We read a lot and I was pleasantly surprised by this fact. We are both looking forward to October's curriculum and books. If you are looking for a hands-on, engaging curriculum for your young students, I'd highly recommend Wisdom Wonder Project!
Wisdom Wonder Project also has a Young Scholars program (First/Second Grade) and a Kindergarten Singapore Math program as well. Be sure to click on the banner below to visit the Homeschool Review Crew blog to read even more reviews of Wisdom Wonder Project including some of their other programs.
You can engage with Wisdom Wonder Project on social media @:
We also loved the Little Wonders Preschool! The book choices were fantastic, and I am so glad I got to add to our home library (our library had none of the books). Zeke is almost two, so we had to modify some of the activities, but it was a great jumping off point for us!
Love to see your family enjoying all the hands on activities
Lots of fun activities just right for the little ones.
this sounds like a fantastic program for youngsters.
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