Friday, December 9, 2011

Happy Birthday B!

Yesterday B turned 6 (officially)!  We had a relaxing day at home and then she got a special treat when we took her to Build-A-Bear.  They had sent me so many coupons that she was able to make a new friend, get an outfit, and an accessory and I only paid $3.53 (thanks Build-A-Bear).

 Making Coconut!

 I love the way D is intently listening.

We then went to Chick-Fil-A and had a yummy dinner, complete with birthday brownie :)

 Fun new watch inside the kid's meal.

 Say Cheese

 C in the playground

 The cow was there, super fun!

 Each candle represents two, in case you are counting.

 Making a wish...

Finally 6 - priceless!

1 comment:

That's Life said...

Aww so cute! Happy Birthday B! Looks like she had a great day!