Our family was blessed with an annual membership in all IXL subjects (math, language arts, science, social studies) from IXL Learning for C, D, and E. What's IXL? It's an online continuous diagnostics tool that assesses what students know and provides practice for them to learn and grow. Students have access to numerous exercises, awards, and certificates while parents and teachers gain insight on their tracking and progress (immediate stats). This information can be used to identify trouble areas for each student making it easier to see where they need assistance and extra practice.
When questions are answered incorrectly, the worked out solution for that question is provided for the student to learn from their mistake.
On IXL students can work on any topic at any point. Each section is complete when a student reaches a 100 point total. If a question is answered incorrectly, the students score will go down in order to have the student practice more before that section can be marked complete.
Students have access to all grade levels so they can work ahead or refresh their knowledge on topics. The recommendation wall shows suggestions tailored to each student. C, D and E have spent a lot of time answering through the questions and topics that are recommended to them. The questions are adaptive, meaning they adjust to the student's ability, providing the right amount of challenge.
Students are often rewarded with awards and certificates for their continued success. Every time a section is completed with the 100 point total, the student is rewarded with some kind of award. They can receive awards for meeting challenges, mastering a skill, amount of time spent, and number of questions answered in a row just to name a few.
Overall, I think IXL Learning is a really good, comprehensive practice website and it is helping C, D, and E develop confidence and skill improvement. IXL Learning is easy to use and there are a variety of problems and subjects. I like that my kids (age 7, 9, and 11) can use it independently. Even though E is only 7 (and in 1st grade) she is a fantastic reader and speller which allows her the ability to use this independently. The kids also get practice typing! C, D, and E have been using IXL Learning solely on our desktop at home but I look forward to trying out IXL's mobile app for on-the-go learning as well.
Be sure to click on the banner below to visit the Homeschool Review Crew blog to read more reviews of IXL Learning.
C using IXL last night!
An example question from Language Arts - Type the word that fits both pictures. The answer is pit.
Above you can see the word Fantastic on the screen after the question is answered correctly.
When question are answered correctly, a positive encouragement (Fantastic, Well done, Terrific, etc.) flashes across the screen with a green check mark and the next question appears.
When questions are answered incorrectly, the worked out solution for that question is provided for the student to learn from their mistake.
On IXL students can work on any topic at any point. Each section is complete when a student reaches a 100 point total. If a question is answered incorrectly, the students score will go down in order to have the student practice more before that section can be marked complete.
The SmartScore will increase as questions are answered correctly or decrease if a question is answered incorrectly.
Students are often rewarded with awards and certificates for their continued success. Every time a section is completed with the 100 point total, the student is rewarded with some kind of award. They can receive awards for meeting challenges, mastering a skill, amount of time spent, and number of questions answered in a row just to name a few.
C mastered a skill and received a gold medal.
E mastered a skill and received a gold medal.
E earned different keychains for answering questions correctly in a row.
Here you can see D's badge collection for Language Arts.
And here is an example of a certificate, C completed 500 math questions (his favorite subject).
Another certificate example
Another certificate example
Overall, I think IXL Learning is a really good, comprehensive practice website and it is helping C, D, and E develop confidence and skill improvement. IXL Learning is easy to use and there are a variety of problems and subjects. I like that my kids (age 7, 9, and 11) can use it independently. Even though E is only 7 (and in 1st grade) she is a fantastic reader and speller which allows her the ability to use this independently. The kids also get practice typing! C, D, and E have been using IXL Learning solely on our desktop at home but I look forward to trying out IXL's mobile app for on-the-go learning as well.
Be sure to click on the banner below to visit the Homeschool Review Crew blog to read more reviews of IXL Learning.
That sounds like a great way to help kids get help when they need it for their studies. Or just to review and keep up with them.
We are just thriving with IXL. It meets my kids where they are on so many levels and I am so joyful to have it in our lives.
Thaanks for sharing this
This sounds like an excellent tool for helping children learn.
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