Thursday, May 7, 2020

Mary Poppins Costume Recital Photos

Dance, Ballet, Recital Photos
E in front of her dance studio prior to pictures!

We have been wondering what E's dance studio would decide in regards to her upcoming dance recital.  Her ballet instructor has been doing a phenomenal job teaching via Zoom.  I have been so impressed and E is so thankful to have her class each week, even if it's online.  Today was her slot to have her dance recital photos professionally taken!  I'm in love with her costume.  Her ballet class is Mary Poppins and is dancing to Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!  The recital is going to be a bit different this year as most of it will be watched online but I am still really looking forward to it.  I went ahead and took a few photos of E myself because she was already dressed up.  Enjoy!

Dance, Ballet, Recital Photos
 E wearing the hat!

Dance, Ballet, Recital Photos
 I kind of like the way it looks with her hat tilted.

Dance, Ballet, Recital Photos
 Another pose

Dance, Ballet, Recital Photos
 In our front yard

Dance, Ballet, Recital Photos
 Another view

Dance, Ballet, Recital Photos
 On our staircase

Dance, Ballet, Recital Photos
That's all folks!


Bible Momma said...

Aww, she is beautiful! It's so amazing what can be done with technology. I have been doing Zumba classes with Zoom. I really miss being there in person, but it's better than watching videos or doing nothing I guess.

Kristen of A Mom's Quest to Teach said...

Such a lovely costume! Your daughter looks fantastic. So glad that her dance school was able to work around the restrictions to continue lessons. Wishing her the best of luck!

La Familia Foundation said...

So beautiful! I loved taking dance classes when young! I hope she had a blast :)