Thursday, May 28, 2020

Stevie Dawg Obstacle Challenge {2 Levels}

Stevie Dawg Getting Ready For His Obstacle Challenge

Have you seen the videos of various pets attempting obstacle challenges?  The kids and I have watched a few and we thought it would be fun to put Stevie Dawg to the test.  Watch Stevie in action below.  Did he perform like you thought?


OneLuckeyWife said...

Such a cute dog! My dog could never do obstacles. I point in a direction and say “Go” and she runs the opposite way.

Anyday Blessings said...

My dog would never cooperate, lol.

Laura Noelle said...

How cute! Fun activity for the kids I'm sure!

Kristen of A Mom's Quest to Teach said...

So cute! What a great project for the kids - so many different ideas for what could be done next.