Home School in the Woods is chock-full of amazing, family-friendly, flexible resources that integrate well into a plethora of school plans. You may remember our previous review of their Composers Activity-Pak, which we loved. We were blessed to receive their digital U.S. Elections Lap-Pak, recommended for 3-8th grade, for review. Our family loves hands-on activities and lapbooks so this was a perfect resource to use when learning about the U.S. elections process and how a U.S. president is chosen.
Introduction to our U.S. Elections Lap-Pak
Included in our lap-pak is 21 lap booking projects or activities:
- Definition of "Election"
- Different Forms of Government
- The American Experiment
- The Three Branches of Government
- Suffrage
- Who Do We Vote For?
- Terms of Office
- A "Handful" of Political Parties
- Caucuses And Primaries
- National Conventions
- The Presidential Campaign: Platform
- The Presidential Campaign: Stump Speaking
- The Presidential Campaign: Media - News Source
- The Presidential Campaign: Campaign Advertising - Spreading the Word!
- Raising Money
- Statistics
- Election Day
- The Electoral College
- Inauguration Day
- The Electoral Race!
- The "Vocabinet"
Here is the printable for The American Experiment project.
Above you can see the project directions.
And here is A with our completed activity!
Project directions for The Presidential Campaign: Stump Speaking activity.
Assembling our project
Final project
Finishing The Three Branches of Government Project
Here is a sampling of the Lab Book Assembly Instructions. I love the color illustrations.
We set up our lap book a bit different, using different colors in different areas (but remember, you have flexibility). Above you can see, we started assembling our lapbook.
A close up view...
Another page complete
Another view of our lapbook
One of my personal favorites was this glitter wheel. It makes it look like confetti is falling on the candidate's family.
The projects incorporate creative writing (if you choose), coloring, drawing, research and more. It's a great springboard for learning all about the U.S. Elections process. The reading text comes in several formats. It can be printed and placed in a binder or it can be printed in a smaller booklet to keep with your lap book. In addition to the text is an audio option. You can read along with the narrator or work on your projects while listening. We found this option to be amazing. I love the flexibility and customization of this lap-pak so you can really use this resource how it fits your needs the best.
I also really appreciate that this digital resource is geared towards multiple students and reproducible within a family - so great for our large crew here! We chose to make a "family" U.S. Elections lapbook. Some of the kids are learning about the election process for the first time while others are brushing up on the ins and outs and learning new things. This is such a fun resource and I highly recommend Home School in the Woods for quality resources!
Home School in the Woods U.S. Elections Lap-Pak is a great resource to introduce your student to the U.S. presidential elections process with hands-on activities, perfect timing for this presidential election year! Home School in the Woods has a great post on how to use this specific lapbook and what it contains as well, check it out here. I also really appreciate this post on Why Teach With Lapbooks? We are not completely done with our U.S. Elections Lap-Pak but we are close. We should finish it this month!
Who doesn't love a giveaway? Get a free copy of Homeschool in the Woods Greek Life! File Folder Game when you use the code TOSGameNight at checkout, no purchase is required. I hope you take advantage of this fun freebie.
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Wow, what a timely topic to study right now! And I love all the activities that reinforce the lessons!
I love how your Election Lap-Pak turned out! The glitter wheel is a really fun way to great a celebration.
I love products from Home School in the Woods.
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